The active ingredient of Bocouture (which is made by Merz Pharma) is Botulinum toxin A, and is a prescription-only medicine. It works by blocking the nerve impulses in all injected muscles. This prevents muscles from contracting leading to temporary and reversible relaxation. BOCOUTURE is used for temporary improvement of upper facial lines in adults under 65 years of age when the severity of these lines has an important psychological impact for the patient: Moderate to severe vertical lines between the eyebrows seen at maximum frown and/or Moderate to severe lateral periorbital lines seen at maximum smile and/or Moderate to severe horizontal forehead lines seen at maximum contraction We offer the following packages:
Product Pack
Bocouture EU packaging 50 IU
Bocouture EU packaging 100 IU
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Botox by Allergan is a botulinum type A product. It has gone through many scientific kinds of research and shown amazing results. Botox is a prescription medicine that doctors inject into the patient skin or muscles. It`s used to treat neck pain with cervical dystonia, some symptoms of underarm sweat. Also, overactive bladder symptoms, prevent headaches with a chronic migraine, spasms of eyelids, and some problems with eye muscles. We offer the following packages:
Product Pack
Botox English packaging 100 IU
Botox EU packaging 100 IU
Botox non-EU packaging 100 IU
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Dysport (botulinum toxin type A based) with a maximum total dose of 500 units is an efficient injectable manufactured by Ipsen. Except for the botulinum toxins, the product also contains human albumin and lactose, so it is crucial to talk about the patient’s allergies and individual sensitivity to make sure the product won’t affect one’s health. We offer the following packages:
Product Pack
Dysport EU packaging 1 x 500 IU
Dysport non-EU packaging 1 x 500 IU
Dysport English packaging 2 x 500 IU
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Xeomin consists of a combination of complex proteins and botulinum toxin type A; all ingredients included in the composition received FDA approval, which means they are safe and cause minimal to no adverse reactions. Before the treatment, we recommend talking to a doctor to make sure your current treatment plans won’t cause negative drug interactions or the product’s incompatibility with your body. Speaking about the price, it is usually calculated per unit, so it is only possible to say the exact number after the doctor’s appointment and careful examination of the target zone; all of that is usually done before the injection session.  
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